
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

WES April Vacation Program

As I've mentioned before, the Oak Hollow Spring Shows -- a gymkhanna and the equitation show -- are on the Sunday after vacation and the following Sunday. That gave us the idea to do something different with the riding program during school vacation.

We are going to do Monday, Wednesday and Friday for riders of all abilities. The lessons on Monday and Wednesday will focus on the patterns and commands in an equitation show or on the fun events in the gymkhanna so that riders and horses can get a little practice. Then, Friday, we are going to have our own "show" which will really be akin to a dress rehearsal (and FUN!).

Even if you don't plan to do the show or aren't sure you're ready yet this will be a fun, low-key way to get some experience of it. If you do plan to do either or both events, it will be a great time to practice.

We will have time during the non-riding if anyone wants to work on the costume class ... and our other activities will be the typical fun stuff we do at our riding programs.

All riders will come the same days from 10 - 3 pm. If you want to do double riding to practice gymkhana AND equitation, we will do that too!

For a single program (only one hour of riding instruction M and W -- Friday will be the 'events') it will be $200. For both (two hours of riding on M and W and lots of riding on Friday!) it will be $250.

Sending out a blast email to those emails I have but make sure to tell your friends!!!
For Pine Cobble riders -- shoot me an email (farmerswife@cobblehillfarm or info@cobblehillfarm) if you'd like to do two Saturday sessions ... I am sure we could figure that out.