
Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Krissy took some video from our indoor arena of some pretty impressive jumping -- "Annie" on Bradley and "Junie" on Blaze with Karrie instructing.  I am hoping I can embed it as video here without losing too much of the quality.  Also great shots of our indoor arena!

Krissy got a bunch of other great snow photos .... I am thinking I will start posting those when we are sweating to death in August but I am pretty sick of them now even though they are beautiful.

Lessons cancelled today -- too cold

Sorry folks, but it is really cold.  Karrie is hoping to reschedule these to this weekend.

Meanwhile I am sitting at the farm celebrating the cancellation of my flight to Hawaii.  Probably the only person in America who is glad to be in this bitter Northeast Cold instead of in Hawaii (but it was only going to be a 2 day on-island trip!).

Sunday, February 20, 2011

It's official: We are a Pony Club Riding Center!

As many folks know, we have been working toward (after careful consideration) being a certified Pony Club Riding Center.  What does that mean?  Any rider (at Cobble Hill or any area barn) can join the Pony Club through us and we will be offering special programs aligned with the organization.  (check out  There is additional information in the barn, but here are some basics:

*No CHF rider will be required to join Pony Club.  There is an annual dues fee paid to Pony Club if you would like to join and you will be required to join if you want to participate in any of our Pony Club lessons, meetings or other activities (like camps).

*The US Pony Club has "Standards of Proficiency" and provide a core curriculum for individualized instruction.  The standards describe a clear progression of skills in both RIDING and HORSE MANAGEMENT.  The standards also provide opportunities for goal setting, as members are encouraged to proceed through specific skills.  There are 'rating tests' that evaluate members progress through rating levels.  Ratings are given in an effort to recognize achievement and encourage members to gain confidence, independence, good safety habits while working with mounts.

*The USPC has 3 basic goals for members:  riding instruction, development of horse care responsibilities and participation in various mounted sports.

We will be handing out brochures and holding several information sessions.  Then, we will do some introductory programs -- probably starting during April School Vacation and some Saturdays for Pine Cobble riders.  We are doing two weeks of summer programming that will be specifically around Pony Club and we are hoping to take advantage of a Pony Club visiting instructor to do a special week of programming.  Some of the interesting things that Pony Clubs do are:  Dressage, Eventing, Competitive Rallies, Mounted Games, Quiz, Show Jumping, Tetrathlon (swimming, Show Jumping, Running and shooting)
and (my favorite but Krissy and Karrie keep saying no) Polocrosse (mounted lacrosse basically).

Finally, the mission statement of the USPC:  The mission of the United States Pony Clubs, Inc., is to provide a program for youth that teaches riding, mounted sports, and the care of horses and ponies, thereby developing responsibility, moral judgment, leadership and self-confidence.

Please speak to Karrie, Jacki or Janette Dudley for more information.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Summer Programs

I will be working on brochures and sign up sheets over the next two weeks for our summer offerings, but for those of you who are already thinking summer .... here is some early info.

Traditional Beginner Program.  This program is for riders who have never ridden or only ridden a few times.  We will offer this program several times during the summer -- either for two days during the week or three days.  Riders will be on a horse -- usually in a half hour private lesson -- each day.  Other activities will be horse-themed crafts, activities or horse & barn care.  Dates:  June 21 & 23/July 5 & 7/August 8, 10 & 12.  All will run 10 am till 2 pm.  Two day programs are $140.00 and three day is $210.

Jumping Program.  For students who are cantering and want to work on jumping, we will have several weeks of jumping programs.  These will be 2 days in a week from 10 - 1 and will be focused exclusively on riding and horse related activities.  Most students will ride for 90 minutes or more each day in a small group.  Dates:  July 12 & 14/August 9 & 11/August 16 & 18.  $150 per week.

Gymkhana Program.  For non-beginners interested in gymkhana events this program will focus on the events and techniques for participating in these programs. (We may be offering some Saturday programming in advance of the Oak Hollow Gymkhana on April 10th so stay tuned if this is your thing).  This program will be a 3 day program lasting from 10 am - 1 pm and will be primarily focused on riding and horsemanship.  The cost per week will be $225.  The dates are:  July 11, 13 and 15/August 15, 17 and 19.  On August 20th there will be an option to participate in a Gymkhana show -- enrollment will be separate from the riding program. 

More soon .. on the lease program, intro to pony club programs and Adult riding experience.  And someday I will get caught up enough that I will put all this in text on the website!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Magnesium Chloride

The Magnesium Choloride arrived at the barn (finally) this week and those of you have been braving the winter weather to ride will appreciate the lack of dust.

I know our family is always looking for a good science fair project.  I think figuring out how Magnesium Chloride works and why it can't get wet would be a perfect one!  (

The delay in delivery was caused by the fact that so many trucks have been busy delivering Salt to the NorthEast that it was very hard to schedule the delivery.

Remember -- don't let it get wet!!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Training Patty!

Going to post a bunch of pictures to Facebook, but these of Krissy and Dixie working with Patty are so fun!  Patty is up to trotting for 10 minutes and is staying sound.  Fingers crossed.

She has stopped trying to bite at Dixie.  Who, by the way, is just such a wonderful old lady. 

I can't believe how BIG Patty looks next to Dixie. 

Happy Trails to You, Until We Meet Again.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Think SUMMER!!!

Karrie and Jacki have been busy putting together great summer programs!  I will have dates and specifics soon, but here is some preliminary information:

We WILL do 'full access' lease again this summer.  It will be age limited again (entering 6th grade or higher), and some weeks it won't be offered if there is another program (like a jumping clinic) that will use some of the same horses.

We are going to be doing some programming as an intro to Pony Club.  More on that to come.

Brandy is going to offer some Gymkhana programs which will be fun.

Of course we will have the standard beginner programs too.

New this year will be adult programming on Thursday late afternoon/early evenings.

Trail lessons will be on Tuesdays.

Here a a few pics from last summer to get you excited!