
Sunday, December 6, 2009

First Snow, Ceasar's final day at CHF

It is stunningly beautiful on the farm this morning. Chuck is miffed that he hasn't finished everything before the first snow but the good news is it all gets covered up and looks beautiful.

It made Ceasar's departure last night all the more poignant. Chuck, Linda and Krissy have been thinking hard about winter, our program, capacity, etc... Ceasar, aka Chuck's Horse, has really aged in the last few months. He has been lame and just not himself. Last week Chuck mentioned to his last owner, our neighbor Nancy, that we probably needed to think about Ceasar's next home. She had always wanted us to tell her if we were going to sell him. And she had stayed in touch with the seller who she bought him from. Long story short, as Nancy told us last night, don't put her on a job unless you want it done! Ceasar's former owner and her young family arrived with an empty trailer (and a Christmas tree in the back of their truck along with two adorable young children ... really, you couldn't have picked a more idyllic looking family) and left with Ceasar for Vermont.

We already got a nice email passed along from Nancy that they arrived home safely despite the snow and were all settled happily on their farm. They have a few mares and Ceasar is great with the mares. Even though he was seldom used as a riding horse here, he has been an important part of our farm and our lives. The way he protected Vixen while she was pregnant and guarded over her and Patty that night they got out an open fence into the main paddock will be my best memory of the noble guy. He definitely lived up to his name!

Chuck is okay ... I was shocked he made the decision although it is hard to argue with whether it is the right decision. Krissy is here this morning and I don't envy him having to tell her. When she left on Thursday afternoon finding Ceasar a home was just a thought.

More changes likely coming ... going to have to spend some time updating the horse page on the site. Haven't put Zeus or Reno up there yet -- two great additions.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, I'm sorry to see Caesar go! He's a beautiful guy, and you can just picture the love he has inside his somewhat scared exterior. I'm sure he'll be happy in his new/old home, though. I'm sorry, Chuck and Krissy!
