
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Newsletters in Barn, Sign up Sheets

The information that is on the website on important fall info is also now in the barn in the form of a newsletter.  Also, Karrie is weaning Chuck off total dependence on white boards and moving him to a little use of cork board (still, under protest).  The cork board over the grain bins has replaced the unsightly posting of flyers and sign up sheets (usually with duct tape .... yeah, you know what I mean) on the school tack room window.

There are several events and sign up sheets that you should look at when you are in the barn. 

While on vacation I downloaded a bunch of my mom's pictures and here is a particularly beautiful one of the property from the night before Linda's wedding.  Also, speaking of Linda -- on that aforementioned cork board you will find her new mailing address.  I am sure she would love to hear from you!  Tomorrow, she will be transporting Blue to her new stable near David's.  I know a lot of our riders miss Linda and we will miss Blue as well.

Cobble Hill Farm -- I am pretty sure that is Blaze.... but could be Reno!  And maybe a turkey?  The tent is up in the front of the house for Linda's wedding. 

Monday, August 30, 2010

Lotsa News

Check out the "What's New" section of the website for information on:  Fall Lesson packages, New Weekend Programming (including instructor-led trail lessons and the ability to do a weekly lease with a trail lesson -- newly named "lease plus"), Shows, and more.

The Hunt Family -- the Farmer's Wife, The Farmer, Lauren, Lizzy and Sarah.
The Farmer's Wife and Daughter Roller Skating -- 80s flashback.
I was on a roll last month with posts but everything slows down in August!  Therefore the pictures today will be of our family enjoying vacation in Lake George last week.  Lizzy and Lauren begged to go to the stable and pay for a trail ride!  I adamantly refused -- all they rode were rides at the Washington County Fair, a boat and virtual rides at the Arcade!  Lauren did drive the race cars at the Fun Spot while Lizzy and Sarah played Laser Tag.  And all three girls as well as the Farmer's Wife roller skated.  I have the skinned knee to prove it!

Lastly, we know word spreads quickly in a barn so we wanted to let everyone know that Chuck is scheduled for surgery in Worcester in mid-September to fix a hernia.  We will have complete coverage at the barn for chores, horse care and lessons but wanted everyone to be aware.  I won't post pictures of that.  :)

Friday, August 20, 2010


Karrie has been working for the past two weeks with Jeannie to figure out a lesson schedule for our riders this fall.  Thank you to everyone who filled out a form -- it was very helpful.  The proposed schedule that Karrie put up (it is next to the white board as you enter the barn) is a starting point.  We tried really hard to honor requests for specific instructors and lesson groups while balancing the availability of appropriate horses and instructor time. 

Please consult the schedule and discuss any concerns or conflicts with Karrie.  We are now beginning to add in lessons for new riders who are calling the barn or were here this summer.  As you all know, those afterschool hours get pretty packed pretty quickly.  However, the good news is that we will continue to schedule lessons on weekends as well.

Also, let us know if you are planning to lease for the fall so that we are not double booking or overworking any horses.

And lastly, hope you all saw the notice of the Cobble Hill "only" show and potluck.  As Oak Hollow isn't doing a fall show and most riders look forward to that, we wanted to do something.

Watch, too, for new programming options.  We have been looking into Pony Club and hope to have a program up and running for the fall.

We will offer the opportunity to pay for a group of lessons at a discount.  Ask Karrie or me about that if you are interested.

Friday, August 13, 2010

On to the Fall!

We ended our summer programming with a perfect summer farm treat -- s'mores!  Lots of great riding accomplishments, too.  Several riders who jumped or cantered for the first time.  A visitor from NYC who deemed this the best week of her life (okay, she is only 9, but we still take the compliment!).

If you haven't filled out a form yet with preferences for dates and times for fall lessons please do.  We are planning to kick the fall riding season off on September 13th with a 12 week session.  In the meantime, we have lots of riders taking advantage of the opportunity to schedule extra lessons during the day with the lack of summer riders and before school starts.

Karrie is also bringing several riders to another show in Richmond and there are lots of preparatory lessons going on this week.

Love how new friendships are formed at the barn.

Off to view the meteor shower.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Linda on Blue.

Many, many dancing pics.  This one was later in the night ... can tell by Lauren's outfit!

The decorations were beautiful.

Guests arriving.

Glad we spruced the barn up!

You may kiss the bride.

Buddy crashed the ceremony ....

Could be the 2010 Christmas Card Photo????

Okay, a bunch of others on Facebook!

Schedule Fall lessons and Name the future fish

If you have not filled out a form indicating your desired time for a fall lesson, please reach out to Karrie in the next few weeks.  We are hoping to have the fall riding season start in September. 

Also, Krissy is getting a beta fish for the barn.  Her two choices of a name are:

1)  Alfalfa
2) Poseidon

Leave your votes as a comment on the blog or send an email to

Last week of summer youth riding

This is our last week of structured summer riding programs -- can't believe how fast the summer vacation flies by!  It is also our biggest week so far -- 9 riders in the Life on a Farm program!

Here are a few pics in the barn.

Max still likes to visit!

Buck heading down to the track after earning his keep.

Jeannie working with a rider to build confidence.

Patty has injured a leg.  She has to be hosed down and legs wrapped twice a day and also walked.  Some of the older riders are able to help with this necessary but time consuming task.