
Friday, August 20, 2010


Karrie has been working for the past two weeks with Jeannie to figure out a lesson schedule for our riders this fall.  Thank you to everyone who filled out a form -- it was very helpful.  The proposed schedule that Karrie put up (it is next to the white board as you enter the barn) is a starting point.  We tried really hard to honor requests for specific instructors and lesson groups while balancing the availability of appropriate horses and instructor time. 

Please consult the schedule and discuss any concerns or conflicts with Karrie.  We are now beginning to add in lessons for new riders who are calling the barn or were here this summer.  As you all know, those afterschool hours get pretty packed pretty quickly.  However, the good news is that we will continue to schedule lessons on weekends as well.

Also, let us know if you are planning to lease for the fall so that we are not double booking or overworking any horses.

And lastly, hope you all saw the notice of the Cobble Hill "only" show and potluck.  As Oak Hollow isn't doing a fall show and most riders look forward to that, we wanted to do something.

Watch, too, for new programming options.  We have been looking into Pony Club and hope to have a program up and running for the fall.

We will offer the opportunity to pay for a group of lessons at a discount.  Ask Karrie or me about that if you are interested.

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