
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Krissy's been busy

Right before the show, Krissy gave me a ton of pictures.  I will download a bunch to facebook, but will also post here.

I tend to like to post pictures of activity with riders but I know this is a horse barn, so today will be horses only!

There have also been lots of changes of horses and coming and going in the barn so a few quick updates:

As everyone knows, Mr. Tee went to the therapeutic riding program in NY.  You might not have known that Sweet Pea, who has been hanging out at Karrie's, went to that program as well.

Mr. Tee posing before his departure.  We miss you!

After the Hunter/Pace this weekend, Boo and Hunter are going home for the winter.  These guys don't get used as much in the schooling program and we are constantly trying to maximize the stalls and horses we have.

Hunter -- looking like Pig Pen from the Peanuts!

Boo looking regal

Along those lines, we are doing a switch with the Hayden's this fall -- Buck is going to get a break and hang out next door in their pasture while we bring Logan over (thanks Matt!) to get him some more work over the cooler months.

Buck with one of his many lady fans

And we have bought Bam from his owner and as everyone has noticed he is getting a lot of work in the school program -- and is now available for leases or off site shows!

Jake and Dixie

Also, Laura has been kind enough to let us use Mac in some limited lessons.  Thanks Laura!

Mac jumping

Lastly, Dublin won't be coming for the winter.  Unfortunately in a horrible series of events he was injured late this summer and has had surgery and will need months of recuperation which will happen at Karrie's barn.

I think that is all for updates at the moment, but I know Chuck and Karrie have been looking at another horse which may appear soon, so stay tuned!

Monday, September 27, 2010

"Junie & Annie" at the show

Thanks to Brenda for sending me two great jumping pictures from yesterday.  If you have great pictures (I saw one Liz H did ....) please send them to us: or

I also got a ton of pre-show pics from Krissy, so I am going to be doing lots of picture posting for a while!

Unfortunately, I can't increase the size of these pics without distorting the resolution.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

GREAT: riding, cooking, company, weather .....

We could not have asked for a more perfect day.  Every rider at our show made us so proud.  The older riders helping the younger riders (without having to be asked), gorgeous fall weather, a very nice judge who spent time to give everyone feedback, a happy  birthday, healthy horses and great food.

I have a few pictures from the jumping -- will post more as I get them and complete albums on Facebook.

the best view of the dressage program!

Lauren & Jay (and his silly fly hat)

Reno & one of our "E" riders

Waiting for the Drill Team ... wishing we'd videod that!  I got a feeling.

Keeping Bam in control

MAKING Herc take that jump!

The adults who make it all happen.  Great to have people who like kids and horses!
Thanks everyone.  We are so proud to have all of you and your families riding at our barn.

Friday, September 24, 2010


I have posted the Sunday schedule on the site.  If you go to "What's New" you will see the links to the morning and afternoon schedules there.  The first group is at 9 am and we really need to attempt to stay on schedule.  Please have yourself and your horse ready to go 15 minutes before your scheduled time.  I did not put last names on the schedule for privacy reasons, but I do have last name initials where necessary.  (I am thinking we must have more "Julia's" than any other barn in Williamstown, maybe the Berkshires!)

I have a rider family bringing plates and napkins and we bought plenty of hamburgers, hot dogs, veggie burgers, rolls and drinks.  Please bring a serving utensil if necessary for your items and if you need a bowl to serve your item you will need to bring that too!

Everyone should bring a chair to sit on as well although we can sit on the edge of the deck -- or if this weather holds, the edge of the pool with our feet in!  I knew there was a reason I didn't get around to closing the pool before Chuck's operation.

Lastly, Chuck is doing pretty well.  Still needs pain meds and can't tie his own shoes, but was out dragging the arena today.  I will need everyone's help to make sure he is not lifting!!!!  Thanks.
And YES, we will have Cobble Hill Farm ribbons at the show!!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Busy time -- road trips, birthday parties and our 'show'

Beautiful time of year in the Berkshires.  That means a lot going on!  Karrie, Katie, Laura with their trusty steeds Hunter, Blaze and MacBeth are up doing a trail riding event with the Green Mountain Horse Association in Woodstock VT.  Here are some pictures from Karrie.

Blaze looks wiped out!

Saturday we are celebrating a birthday for one of our riders with one of our super-duper birthday parties.  Then our first ever 'show' will be on Sunday with a pot luck.  We have over 40 riders participating!  We decided to do a low-key event only for our riders because Oak Hollow is not doing their traditional Fall Show this year (they hosted a Special Olympics event last weekend).

I hope I survive the weekend!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Another Chapter for Mr. Tee

Yesterday, Karrie delivered Tee to his new home.  He is going to be at a therapeutic riding program in New York State.  Chuck and all of us have very mixed emotions.  Mr. Tee has been such a wonderful and easy horse in our school program.  But it is increasingly difficult for him at this stage in his life to carry a full load in the school program yet he still is a great horse and the people we met from the therapeutic program visited the barn and Krissy, Chuck and Karrie were all convinced that it was a perfect fit.

Also important to remember Mr. Tee's condition when we brought him to Cobble Hill.  He was low 'horse' on the totem pole at a farm -- he was skinny and had lots of bites.  His teeth were in terrible condition.  Thanks to great care from Dr. Dowd and TLC from so many riders, 3rd feedings at night, etc... he was a fine looking, healthy and happy horse when he stepped right up into that trailer yesterday morning.

I am posting from the waiting room at UMass Memorial Medical where Chuck is getting his hernia fixed this morning.  Thanks to everyone for their good wishes and help at the farm today and tomorrow.  He was telling the anesthesiologist jokes as I left him.  :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


With everything else going on it is easy to lose sight of the imminent fall and winter.  As long-time riders know, our barn really filled up with boarders last year.  We are going to try to keep our numbers reasonable this year and know that two of our winter boarders are coming back.  However, winter boarders are important to the sustainability of the business.  So, if any of you know of folks who are looking for winter board, please have them reach out to Chuck or Karrie. 

We also have an interest in having boarders who are comfortable with the family - nature of our barn (ie:  there are lots of kids there after school and we like that!).

Blaze -- one of my very favorite pics!!!