
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Lessons should be good to go rest of week

Weather looks to improve each day this week.  We will have a normal lesson schedule -- please let the barn know if you are planning to miss a lesson -- sometimes we can combine lessons and we have had a few times where Karrie or Jeannie has been here but no students were!

Horses back in the fields today with the snow a bit dug out.  Sure is pretty out there.  Horses seem to enjoy playuing in the snow as much as the kids did yesterday!

Monday, December 27, 2010

As promised .....

Here are a few pictures from today.  COLD .... brrrrr.

Pictures will be needed

Wow.  This storm did not disappoint.  Chuck is out plowing -- luckily the snow is light, so the tractor can handle it.  About 8 pm last night we decided to put all the horses back in the barn.  The mares in orange don't have a shed so that was an easy call and Nelly, Dixie and Vixen came in pretty easily.  However, out in green, Logan, Jay and Bam had to be coerced to come in.  They had the shed and they still had plenty of hay (not sure when we will ever see that hay again!).  It would have been a big pain to get the gates cleared this morning to get them in. 

Hopefully, we will be able to get Krissy here at some point this morning and we can get some pictures to post.  It is really, really pretty.

You almost can't even see the indoor arena it is so white in the pasture behind it and all around it.

I might not feel quite so well disposed about the snow in fifteen minutes when I head up to the barn to feed the horses, give them hay and help clean all sixteen stalls!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Please enjoy the holidays -- a great time to reflect on a wonderful year, spend time with family and plan for the future.  At the Hunt Household, we are blessed to be able to run a family farm that has brought so many wonderful friends into our lives.  While the work can be daunting and the rewards are mostly non-monetary, the joy of watching riders of all ages developing confidence and competence is a special gift for our family.

We also have an amazing group of committed professionals who create a warm and friendly atmosphere.

Not sure what is in her mouth????

Lucy the wonder volunteer and Brenda.

Two of our great role models ... well, sometimes.

That is DEFINITELY Root Beer.

Our youngest fans

Yes, those are reindeer horns.
Here are some of Krissy's pictures from our annual holiday celebration.  Here's to a great 2011!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Brrrr .... Grrr .... No lessons today (Wednesday)

Sorry guys.  I have seen the disappointment from our older riders on Facebook posts, but it really is too cold for lessons today.  For parents who have a more economic concern, please remember that we are guaranteeing a total of 10 lessons for the winter lesson pack and Karrie is keeping track of cancellations.

Do hope we will see everyone Sunday -- in the house!


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tuesday Lessons Cancelled

Hopefully, this cold snap will be over soon and we won't have lots more.  If you bought the lesson pack, remember if we cancel twice we will extend the season on the back end so you will get a minimum of 10 lessons in.

You don't want to know the temperatures today in Austin, TX.  :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Look: Blogging in midair!

Google Chrome is offering free wifi on Delta this month so I can post pictures and blog on my travels!  Looks like the weather is going to get sketchy toward the end of the week so watch here for any lesson cancellations.

Also, if you missed it (Christine) yes, we are going to do a barn party (in the house!) on Sunday at 5 pm.  All Friends of Cobble Hill Farm invited to share cheer.

Buddy helping to finish the wash stall.  :)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Riding is on today!

You know we've had a tough start to winter when we are celebrating that it is 29 degrees this morning!

Hope everyone saw the notice on the potluck.

Friday, December 10, 2010

No lessons again today (Friday) .... brrr!

Was 3 degrees when I left the house.  Looks like it will warm up for the weekend.  Early next week might be a challenge so stay tuned.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Afternoon Lessons cancelled today, Thursday December 9th

It is 18 degrees (and windy) in Williamstown right now and won't get above 21 today, so lessons are cancelled for today.  :(

Here's a picture though. 

WATCH here for announcements on lessons cancelled due to cold

Our policy is to cancel lessons if it is less than 25 degrees in the arena.  Riders and parents have asked for an easy way to figure that out.  I will post here by NOON if lessons are cancelled for the day.

winter sky

Our favorite Mascots in the first snow cover

Well, I guess we pegged the right week to start winter riding!   Brrrrrr.  Can't believe how time flies -- certainly seen in Patty's growth!

Please sign up in the barn for the Pot Luck Holiday gathering if you can make it.  We know this is a busy time of year, so come if it is desirable and fun but no one should feel obligated.

"Buddy, I can't believe you go outside wearing that sweater!"

Monday, December 6, 2010

Holiday Pot Luck and Gift Swap -- December 19th

Somehow December snuck up on me.  Chuck too considering he is racing the clock to finish projects that require excavation before the ground freezes .... this is not a cooperative week for that!

We do want an opportunity to celebrate again with all our riders, boarders and friends of CHF.  I will post a sign up sheet in the barn this week (I promise!) for a Holiday Fest on Sunday, December 19th at 5 pm.  Bring a dish and holiday cheer (the attitude kind) along with a gift wrapped with a value less than $15 ... something appropriate for all ages of horse lovers.  We'll do a gift grab or whatever they are called and toast another successful year on the farm.  Maybe Chuck will even give another speech about how much he loves you all.  :)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

We have heat, and pictures!

The heat is hooked up and working in the viewing room and it is delightful!  Also, lots of pictures from the Holiday Walk.  Everyone had a great time. 

Krissy with her favorite horse ....

Chuck and Buddy -- is that a smile???

Lauren and Zeus