
Monday, December 6, 2010

Holiday Pot Luck and Gift Swap -- December 19th

Somehow December snuck up on me.  Chuck too considering he is racing the clock to finish projects that require excavation before the ground freezes .... this is not a cooperative week for that!

We do want an opportunity to celebrate again with all our riders, boarders and friends of CHF.  I will post a sign up sheet in the barn this week (I promise!) for a Holiday Fest on Sunday, December 19th at 5 pm.  Bring a dish and holiday cheer (the attitude kind) along with a gift wrapped with a value less than $15 ... something appropriate for all ages of horse lovers.  We'll do a gift grab or whatever they are called and toast another successful year on the farm.  Maybe Chuck will even give another speech about how much he loves you all.  :)

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