
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

I am not very good at those year in review things but we certainly are looking back fondly on 2010 and with great anticipation for 2011.  Here are a few of my favorite pics from the year we are leaving behind.

Max became a frequent and welcome visitor throughout the year, particularly to summer programs

We had a wonderful summer -- with the terrific help of Jacki and (not pictured) Jenna (who was keeping a secret!)

One of Krissy's many great shots of our horses.  Who is this???

We did a lot more jumping this year and the course set up in the lower pasture was challenging and fun.

Buddy the photogenic wonder dog.

Hard to remember now just how HOT it was this summer.  Here was one solution.

Older girls cleaning tack in an early (cold weather) riding program.

This was actually from February 2010 ... looks familiar.

One of my favorite Krissy shots from last winter.

Our Halloween programming was a hit -- with our twins!

Our increased trail lessons were a wonderful addition to our programming

A great family shot that makes me smile.

More Halloween fun

We did two parades this year -- here, 4th of July.  The horses were very good sports.

Kids of all ages love a ride in the back of a pick up truck.  Even the Clown Truck.

One of the highlights of our summer -- Linda's wedding.

Oak Hollow's Spring Show still gets our riders excited for the costume competition.

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