
Monday, June 22, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away!

Just heard on the radio that it has rained 17 of the 22 days in June so far -- that didn't surprise me. The horses get all muddy, the indoor arena gets a lot of use and it dampens spirits!

Yesterday Lauren and I gave Dixie a bath. She was filthy. We were giving a two-year old a pony ride and there was no way I was going to put a saddle on such a filthy horse. She walked half way around the track and back and did a few loops in the indoor arena. Patty and Vixen were friendly to our guests and came over and nuzzled everyone. All in all, a good day despite the grey, overcast skies.

Lots more riders doing extended programming starting next week so we are scurrying to have many projects ready. Maybe it is good that it is going to rain most of this week -- doesn't that increase the chances of warm, sunny days next week?

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