
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Do you want to jump like this?

It has been increasingly obvious that quite a few of our riders -- particularly the young ones -- are really excited about the jumping. The hunter pace that a few riders did had a jumping component and riders or visitors have likely noticed the beautiful fall-themed course on the lower track here at the farm.

Luckily for us, Karrie Holbrooke has cleared her schedule (just like she is shown here clearing this jump!) and is excited to offer a day of jumping on Sundays. We are going to start October 25th. The structure will be that beginner jumpers will be able to sign up for half hour slots of private jumping instruction. Some of the more advanced jumpers will be able to do two or three students to a class. I am posting (hopefully today!) a sign up sheet in the barn. A half hour private jumping class will be $40 and the hour class for two or three students will also be $40 each. We will offer the ability to sign up for a four class package at $150 for either.

Please sign up in the barn or send me an email at

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