
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Feeling her oats

Like my new 'blogger' picture?  I moved the blog last week like Google told me to, and it messed things up a little.  I think John A has us back on the straight and narrow.

Patty has been frisky lately with the spring weather.  The few times I walked her in and out of the paddock she has been a lot more animated.  Then she was a total foal on Sunday when Mary (the barefoot trimmer) was working on her feet.  She finally had all four feet trimmed, but not before she kicked Mary! 

Chuck has been speaking to the feed representative and Dr. Dowd to get to the bottom of Reno's current ailments.  He had a spasmodic colic the other day and has been very girthy.  We are really hoping that it is something simply like a reaction to the worming medicine.  Reno has been a terrific addition to our school horses.

Next week is our April Vacation programming where we are going to do some show practice.  There are 11 riders scheduled to participate and hopefully we will have nice weather and a great week.  I am hoping to actually be around a few of the days.  It should be a really fun week.

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