
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Lotsa BIrthdays

Happy Mother's Day everyone.  I can't help but remember my best and worst mother's day ever on this day -- and it was the same one.  2001.  I was on mandatory bed rest at Brigham & Women's hospital  in Boston hoping to postpone labor with the twins as long as possible and Chuck & Elizabeth were home in the Berkshires.  They paid me a surprise visit as did the Cardinal of the Archdiocese of Boston -- two bright moments in an otherwise very scary and lonely day.  It is hard to believe that Lauren and Sarah were preemies when you see them today -- the tallest girls in their whole grade (helps you pick them out in the pool shot below). 

Yesterday we had an almost 3 year old boy who is obsessed with horses and is a faithful visitor to the website celebrate his birthday at the farm with a pony party.  The weather held off enough to do our pony rides in the outdoor arena and Chuck gave everyone a ride in the tractor's enclosed cab -- and I think most of them got a chance to actually drive the tractor.  The horses were great and we brought Patty out for a special visit.  All very fun.

Then, off to the mall to celebrate Lauren's 9th birthday.  The girls (I still call them my little girls) got their ears pierced and we all got mani's and pedi's.  My kind of party and definitely a great antidote to my sore feet. 

Sarah is doing her party at the water park next weekend -- which I've done before for Elizabeth's birthday and it is equally easy.  Then on Sunday we have booked yet another birthday party -- this one for a 7 year old girl.  I have quite a few of the older riders coming to help and we are trying to plan some new games and crafts as some of these kids have been to a birthday party here last fall.

Chuck has just about finished pasturing in the field on the track.  We are hoping to start rotating the horses there Monday.  There is so much green grass that each horse is only going to be able to do one hour a day to begin with.  But, it will allow us to take some pressure off the green and blue paddocks and get the grass back up there AND we should be able to slow down on the hay consumption.  We have been burning through a LOT of hay.

Also last week the siding finally got finished on the outside of the barn.  It looks so nice as you come up the driveway.  Now if this unwelcome return to cold weather would depart, we'd really be full on enjoying spring! 

Here is the birthday pic from Show Day ... a few of our riders are in here as are my  birthday girls!  Can you imagine swimming outside today?!?!

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