
Sunday, September 26, 2010

GREAT: riding, cooking, company, weather .....

We could not have asked for a more perfect day.  Every rider at our show made us so proud.  The older riders helping the younger riders (without having to be asked), gorgeous fall weather, a very nice judge who spent time to give everyone feedback, a happy  birthday, healthy horses and great food.

I have a few pictures from the jumping -- will post more as I get them and complete albums on Facebook.

the best view of the dressage program!

Lauren & Jay (and his silly fly hat)

Reno & one of our "E" riders

Waiting for the Drill Team ... wishing we'd videod that!  I got a feeling.

Keeping Bam in control

MAKING Herc take that jump!

The adults who make it all happen.  Great to have people who like kids and horses!
Thanks everyone.  We are so proud to have all of you and your families riding at our barn.

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