
Thursday, April 21, 2011


I know it doesn't feel like spring or May this morning ..... but the Oak Hollow Show is upon us!  This is traditionally a wonderful event for our school riders to participate in.  As a reminder:  There will be a sign up sheet in the barn for HORSE USAGE from Cobble Hill.  You must get instructor permission/sign-off for the horse choice you make (many horses act very differently in a show than they do in the ring for a lesson -- Jay and Dixie come to mind).  There is a $25 fee for horse usage (this implies you are sharing a horse -- most horses will be ridden by multiple riders).  You are also responsible for registering to enter with Equus -- Sandy tells me the entries are available in the barn.

If patterns are given out early, we will post those in the barn as well.

Also, for first timers -- there is absolutely no dress code for this show.  (You will see that in the pictures)

I know many riders have not ridden as much this winter or spring as they would have liked.  If you are planning to add in any one-off lease rides over the next 10 days to get ready, you must schedule those.  If you just show up, it is very possible that the ring and/or the horse won't be available.

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