
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Busy Week coming up!

Our first beginner riding program of the summer starts next week and I feel like we are more organized than ever ... until ten new riders descend!  We have built permanent wood cubbies and they got painted by the lone Full Access Lease participant this week -- color coded!  We'll have a Red, Yellow and Blue group each with its own instructor.  Each rider will rotate through a riding lesson (of course!), grooming and barn chores, and crafts/activities.  We've had lots of interest from experienced riders who will be helping these newer ones.

Also, with most schools finishing up, our full access lease program will be humming.  The weekly trail lesson will be on Wednesday morning and Karrie & Emily have come up with lots of great ideas for work projects around the barn and property.  If you are participating, make sure to bring clothes that can get dirty or paint on them!  And, we decided this year to add a fun craft project (just one for now) each week.  First up -- TYE DYE!

Emily has brought not only a lot of energy to the barn but also some great ideas from her 'home' barn.

And, Pony Club swings into action in a major way a week from Sunday (the 26th) with another un-mounted meeting followed by a week of Pony Club programming.  All who are signed up or interested should be aware of the ratings test session on July 1st!  This first session is free to all PC members.

Lastly, we've developed a Fan Page for Cobble Hill on Facebook.  If you are a 'friend' of Cobble Hill Farm, please also join the fan page.  It will have more tools, more posts (at least while Emily is around), more pictures and more interactive features.

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