
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Lots of news and pictures on new Facebook Page

One of the many great activities that Emily has undertaken while here is to improve our presence on Facebook.  We now have a "page" which you can join (like) without having to be our friend on FB.  I have been posting pictures and updates on that fairly regularly.  Check it out:

You have to be a Facebook user to get these.  So I'll still be putting pictures here.  Yesterday was the second of our beginner camps and on Monday we participated in the 4th of July parade.  Here are some of the best pictures (hard to choose ... )
Krissy & Emily were up at the barn VERY early painting horses -- doesn't Vixen look great?

Krissy practiced for weeks with Vixen and the flag

Never too early to learn to clean tack (and wear cool boots)

The boys give Herc a bath

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