
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Meet our Newest Neighbor!

The Hunt girls and Krissy are thrilled that the farm next door, East Mountain, got a new puppy! He is being trained (much to the Hunt girls' chagrin!) to stay on his farm (picture here of their beef cows) but occassionally sneaks over to our barn. Here is a picture that Krissy snapped of Maxwell recently on one of his visits. Is he adorable??

Lauren remembers his name because of the coffee (so she told me).

East Mountain Farm sells beef, wood, ham, pork, etc... It is part of the original farm that Chuck grew up on and in fact the house is an identical log home to the one that is part of our current home. It is actually the East Mountain home where Chuck and his family lived after the fire that destroyed their 1800s era farm house.

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