
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Spring Lessons: prices and package

In my on-going attempt to Think Spring, I wanted to give everyone a heads up on the CHF spring riding plans.

The current Winter Riding Package goes through March 13th. We will offer another package for Spring -- 12 lessons from March 15th - June 4th.

Out of necessity we are having to increase our lesson rates. With the costs of everything going up (health insurance premiums and hay being the biggest offenders) we need to get closer to our actual costs. We still believe our rates are very competitive in the market and if anyone has a specific hardship they should speak to me, Linda or Chuck privately.

Rates effective 3/15:

One Hour Group lessons: $30 per lesson
Half Hour private lesson: $40 per lesson
One Hour Semi Private (2 riders): $40 per lesson
One Hour Private: $70 per lesson

The Spring lesson season (12 lessons) for a group will be: $330; for half hour semi-private $385; for one hour semi private: $440.

At this point we probably won't offer a summer lesson pack because so many riders build leasing and different riding experiences into their summer plans. Stay tuned on the exciting plans we'll be announcing soon for summer!

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