
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Guest Blog by Lauren Hunt, age 9

Hello i am jane's daughter Lauren and i was gonna make my own blog abvout Cobble Hill but my mom said it is to late so i am going to post something about whatever pops into my mind about the farm! I was riding Buck today in my lesson we trotted we cantered and we walked. I was riding with E*&%  j*$^%&! i think that is how she spells her last name so i am kind of nervous about that. I was also helping out with the barn a bit this week E*$#, Z#@*, and J*&$%: were the riders! Mrs. petrino and Jenna do the crafts and Linda teaches the lessons and Karrie teaches the jumping lessons. i am hoping to go on a trail ride soon i was supposed to go tomorrow but skating is interfearing with that!  thats all i can think of and this is getting to long so goodnight and have a nice week hope you enjoyed your 4th of july!


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