
Sunday, July 25, 2010

A quieter week

We only have the full access lease program running this week so the barn should be a quieter place.  We do have several summer residents/tourists booked which is always welcome.

Just got the new fliers in and must say I am really satisfied with the quality.  Will have Jenna and the girls bring a few down to the Chamber office.

Hopefully, the rain will hold off so Chuck can finish the fence in the blue paddock.  If you haven't walked over there, go take a look.  The fencing is going up about 8 feet off the stone wall -- making a nice 'trail' that will be perfect for riders to cool down their horses or for beginner trail lessons. 

We are also getting the siding stained on the barn ... it matches the original building quite well.  And maybe the fences will even get stained in August .... never a shortage of stuff to do around here.

Here is a nice picture of Dixie.  You can also see the area I am referring to for the trail/fence in the background where the stone wall is.  Dixie continues to be a great beginner horse.  I wonder how many riders have cantered for the first time on her?

Dixie and Patty have been hanging out a lot in the black paddock.  It is hard to tell here, but Patty is almost as big as Dixie these days.  She is going to be a very BIG girl.  And hopefully a good one.

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