
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Please enjoy the holidays -- a great time to reflect on a wonderful year, spend time with family and plan for the future.  At the Hunt Household, we are blessed to be able to run a family farm that has brought so many wonderful friends into our lives.  While the work can be daunting and the rewards are mostly non-monetary, the joy of watching riders of all ages developing confidence and competence is a special gift for our family.

We also have an amazing group of committed professionals who create a warm and friendly atmosphere.

Not sure what is in her mouth????

Lucy the wonder volunteer and Brenda.

Two of our great role models ... well, sometimes.

That is DEFINITELY Root Beer.

Our youngest fans

Yes, those are reindeer horns.
Here are some of Krissy's pictures from our annual holiday celebration.  Here's to a great 2011!

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