
Monday, December 27, 2010

Pictures will be needed

Wow.  This storm did not disappoint.  Chuck is out plowing -- luckily the snow is light, so the tractor can handle it.  About 8 pm last night we decided to put all the horses back in the barn.  The mares in orange don't have a shed so that was an easy call and Nelly, Dixie and Vixen came in pretty easily.  However, out in green, Logan, Jay and Bam had to be coerced to come in.  They had the shed and they still had plenty of hay (not sure when we will ever see that hay again!).  It would have been a big pain to get the gates cleared this morning to get them in. 

Hopefully, we will be able to get Krissy here at some point this morning and we can get some pictures to post.  It is really, really pretty.

You almost can't even see the indoor arena it is so white in the pasture behind it and all around it.

I might not feel quite so well disposed about the snow in fifteen minutes when I head up to the barn to feed the horses, give them hay and help clean all sixteen stalls!

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