
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Second Grade Outing

Yesterday, Lauren and Sarah's class came to the farm for an end-of-the-school-year outing. It was a lot of fun for everyone!

Many of the children and adults met Patty for the first time -- boy, is she getting big. This is a picture my mom took during the day.

We also led all the students who wanted to around in the outdoor ring. We used Sweet Pea -- who lived up to his name. And, Dixie who is always reliable. The kids had a great time -- as did Mrs. Kassin who we convinced to be the lead-off rider!

Also, Sam the horse we visited this weekend arrived at the farm Tuesday night. A few of the students and Linda rode him today. It is dark out but Chuck is still out in the barn. With our summer programming starting a week from Monday, we are in a scramble to get as much done as possible before we are inundated with riders (although that is a very good thing!).

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