
Monday, June 15, 2009

Who is your favorite horse? (Besides Jay ...)

I know I promised to bring you updates on the favorite horse poll ... and so Annie, Elizabeth and I took a peek the other night. And guess what we learned? We forgot to put Jay on the horses page and the survey! Uh oh -- he definitely would have gotten a vote from Annie! Here is a picture of Jay, anyway!

So far we have 16 votes, and not surprisingly, Patty is winning. I guess it isn't really fair to match up a 3 week old filly against all our geldings and mares!

Even so, it is clear why Patty is stealing everyone's heart. She is beautiful, full of spirit and starting to be a real charmer. She will now come up to most of us in her stall and sniff away at your clothes and then let you pet her. I have no idea how long a foal's coat stays silky soft, but it is definitely longer than the coat stays clean!

The second place horse is Sweet Pea which is somewhat surprising to me. While Sweet Pea is a dream to ride -- even though he is big, he will do whatever you want. However, he has his issues. Don't ever try to pet his face when he is eating -- he is very protective of his food! And while I haven't handled every horse extensively, I think he is the hardest of the beginner horses to bridle. It is a combination of him being so tall and so stubborn about taking the bit. It really is interesting that a horse that is obstinate at one task can be so compliant at another. And I will readily confess that when SP gets 'dressed up' for a show, no horse is prettier.

I'll keep the current survey up for another week ... then I'll take Patty off and add Jay and have a real competition!

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