
Saturday, June 6, 2009


Welcome to our new blog. Many of our riders wonder what happens on the farm on days they aren’t here. And many people love horses and farms. This blog is an attempt to give all these people and any others who find their way here, an idea of the ‘goings on’ at our farm. It will be primarily written by Chuck’s wife, Jane (aka: Farmers Wife). Also, many of our riders are minors and we will regularly post to the blog and the website pictures of them riding and news of their achievements. However, with the exception of our own children, we will not identify any of the riders. In order to make the entries flow, we will give them pseudonyms where necessary to tell their stories!

Our family will be prominently featured in this blog. You can learn more about us at the “about us” link. Chuck works on the farm (night and day!). I help when I can, but have a full time job ‘off farm.’ Elizabeth is our oldest daughter. She loves riding and would spend all her time in the barn if we let her. We also have twin girls – Lauren and Sarah. Lauren also loves to ride, but has many other interests, too (figure skating, basketball, softball). Sarah likes the horses and will occasionally participate in a riding experience, but doesn’t ride regularly. She has written a wonderful poem about one of the horses (Caesar)!

The other people you will frequently read about are our terrific staff. Linda Budz is our full time, licensed instructor. We also have two other MA licensed instructors who give some lessons on the farm: Jeannie and Kerry. Krissy is our assistant in the barn. She provides the TLC that make our horses so special!

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