
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Anatomy of a Successful Birthday Party

We had a very, very successful first attempt at a Cobble Hill Farm birthday party. Harper turned four and a dozen of her friends helped her celebrate!

We kicked the party off with the much anticipated pony rides. I had set up two craft tables with a fun decoupage horse jar project so that the kids who weren't riding could stay busy. I was very surprised that most of the kids preferred to watch the pony rides ... even after they took their own turn. Hercules and Dixie were, as we'd hoped, really calm and cooperative.

Some of the kids were hesitant but others were ready to go. A few progressed to putting their hands on their hips while the horse was led around and a few even did a lap riding backwards.

The birthday party guests were so captivated by the horses that I made a spur of the moment decision to bring Vixen and Patty into the ring to do the lunging demonstration for them. They really loved it but some of our new horses in the back paddock got all jazzed up by the action in the ring and came galloping down to observe and then try to join in the celebration.

The scavenger hunt was next up --- ten clues like "Where Jay might find a drink of water" (the clue was taped to the waterer in his stall). The clues each garnered a letter in a baggie and when collected spelled: C*O*B*B*L*E**H*I*L*L

Then, before breaking for the pizza, fruit, cake and juice that Harper's mom brought, we did our own variation on finding a needle in a hay stack. I was thrilled to find a perfect use for the bags of hay chaff that the summer camp kids had scooped up (here is a picture of that activity). I dumped it in the back of the barn near the wash stall and hid a bag full of double bubble gums (individually wrapped) in it. The kids loved digging through the hay ... and for a few of them, it was their first ever experience with gum -- Double Bubble is definitely a great first gum!

While the revelers stopped for refreshments, Chuck dumped the water out of one of our wagons and hooked it up to the tractor. We made seating with hay bales and backed the wagon into the entrance to the barn. All the kids (and a few lucky dads who were pressed into duty to sit at the end of the wagon) happily climbed aboard, the rain and mist let up for long enough for a 15 minute hay ride. I am hoping one of the moms who took pictures will send them along.

It was a fun day -- and amazing that it was not so hard when the birthday child is not mine. I had a blast and wasn't stressed at all. The Hunt girls were a HUGE help (I did bribe them with a promise to pay them $10 each if they helped ... which they each earned) and of course, my mom was once again the special sauce ... chatting with everyone and generally keeping the craft tables humming.

If you know anyone wanting a special pony birthday -- send them our way. Saturday late afternoon and Sunday mornings will be the blocks that we will schedule events.

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