
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Countdown to the Oak Hollow Show Saturday

Even though our barn is primarily about learning and fun, many of the riders look forward to doing a low key show. The barn across the street which runs an Equus program (where Linda still does some classes) runs two shows a year as fundraisers for their programs. In these difficult economic times all non-profits are struggling to make their budgets. Which is why we are thrilled that our barn will be sending about 13 riders to Saturday's show.

In the past the shows have been on a Sunday and the riders have spent a better part of their Saturday getting their horses ready. With the show on Saturday we are preparing for chaos tomorrow between 3:30 pm and ????.

Hopefully, we will get the trailer completely loaded and possibly even parked across the street tomorrow night. And Krissy has agreed to work on Saturday even though it is her day off.

Will definitely post results!

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