
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Back to School ....

Most of our riders started school today and many are getting underway with fall sports. We are thrilled that so many folks want to ride this fall! (If every day is like today, you can see why!)

Most of our after-school youth groups are full and we are adding two new groups on Saturdays with Jeannie.

We are also adding some adult programming. At the moment it is primarily lessons -- in the ring and for advanced riders, on the trail. But we are hoping to get more creative and do some more stuff as the fall progresses. Keep an eye on "what's new".

Update on Bam: He is doing really well. Dr. Dowd is keeping him splinted for a few more days, but we are cautiously optimistic that he simply pinched a nerve .... so if you were sending good thoughts our way, thanks.

Check out this article in today's Globe:

So, so sad. We are going to consider adopting one of these abandoned horses. We are lucky to have the staff and space to potentially turn lemons into lemonade.

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