
Saturday, November 14, 2009


With Linda's back hurt and then her family commitments in Florida, we've been shorthanded in the barn this week. Lucky for us, Lucy has been coming in the mornings to cheerfully help and clean stalls! Thanks Lucy!!!

Chuck and David finished the third, and final, run in shed and thanks to the use of Morrison's truck, cleared (finally!) all the construction dirt out of all the paddocks. No more king of the mountain games for the horses (or riders)!!

And, we've replaced the footing in the arena. Still waiting for the calcium chloride to really kill the dust but a very productive week.

Also, hope you noticed the really super clean lights and ceiling in the indoor arena -- Chuck used a rented lift and the power washer till almost midnight last Sunday night to finish that project.

Don't forget to grab a newsletter and let Linda or me know what your riding plans are (or are not!) for the winter.

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