
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sign up sheet posted for sunday jumping

Got the sign up sheet for winter jumping up in the brrrrr-arn today. PLEASE make sure you sign up for the days you want to jump.

In addition, Linda will be contacting everyone about the winter schedule. For those who aren't riding this winter, make sure to keep up with all our activity via the blog.

We are going to put together a Holiday Celebration ... stay tuned for the date. Riding and food will be involved.
Lastly, I am trying to convince Chuck that once the ground freezes and it is REALLY cold we should turn the outdoor arena into an outdoor skating rink. What do you think? The one time I got him to agree to try it in the yard was the warmest winter on record and it never froze, so if we can convince him we will either get a skating venue or a mild winter.

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