
Monday, November 16, 2009

more pics

Chuck is sick, the Patriots lost a heartbreaking game last night and I am trapped at Bedard Brothers waiting for the Suburban to be serviced. At least they have internet access. So, I ordered the books Elizabeth needs for school, catching up on emails and now I'll post some more pictures.

I think I will do "B" horses today. Can you name all the B horses at Cobble Hill now? (hint: the horse page website has not been updated, so you'd have to actually have been in the barn to win this contest)


  1. Blaze, Bradley, Boo, Blue, Ben, Buck, Bam :)...i think thats all of them :) hahaha

  2. Nope! You are missing one ... He spends his nights in the back paddock.

  3. Okay, no one won. The other horse is BEAR. Carrie's horse who is rough boarding here .. another of the chestnut colored horses in the back paddock. I am pretty sure he is in the picture above.

  4. I have a better order for the b horses starting with the B-est. BRADLEY(Poo), Boo, Bear, Benjamin, Blue, Buck, Bam. HahahahaHA :P
