
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Check out the Dressage Ring & Jumping Course!

Thanks to Karrie (and with a lot of help from Jeannie, "Annie" and her Dad, and Chuck) we have the dressage ring set up in the lower pasture as well as a much more involved jumping course.  Karrie is lending us numerous jumps she wasn't using.  In return, summer riders will be sanding and painting them so that we can return them in shipshape condition -- which is wonderful for my Girl Scout soul.

Last year, Annie & her parents made a dressage ring.  It looks great down in the lower field.

Hope everyone has enjoyed seeing horses in the lower field, too.  Chuck got all the fencing up and it is really glorious to sit on our deck at night and watch horses grazing.  It is even better when you factor in how much less hay we are feeding and the fact that with fewer horses in it, Blue paddock finally is grass covered again!  The only hard part is all the walking up and down the hill to bring horses in and out.  Krissy wore a pedometer and calculated she walked THIRTEEN miles one day last week!!!

June first is fast approaching -- that is the end of the Spring riding season.  I am not going to do a summer riding package -- so many people vacation and do camps that it ends up being too confusing to keep track.  Lesson Packages will be back for the Fall.

We are also in the countdown to Linda's wedding.  She'll be working through July and then helping to transition lessons to Karrie or Jeannie.  The farm has bought Bradley as so many of our advanced riders enjoy his jumping ability and we have more riders getting to that level all the time.  Elizabeth may get a chance to jump with him for the first time in her lesson this week -- so I've been hearing a lot about "Bradley Poo".

Lastly, while we kick off summer with this glorious weather, we will also pause to remember those who have given their life in defense of our country.  We are very blessed.

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