
Monday, May 3, 2010

Great Job Cobble Hill Riders!!!!!

Not even sure where to start.  Probably best is to thank adult rider Renee Williams ... she volunteered at the show to help our riders and recorded the results!  So many parents, riders, friends to thank:  we had a wonderful day and great results -- measured by ribbons and smiles!  The older riders really took to heart their role in helping younger riders.  Karrie and Jeannie were fabulous coaches keeping everyone calm, helping them to learn the trail pattern.  I can't say enough about our parents -- many of whom showed up at 8 am with smiles and 'how can I help's' and stayed till the end (which was a LONG time later).

We are so proud of how all of you -- not just your riding (although that was phenomenal!) but your attitude, determination, preparation and good nature -- represented our barn.  Our program has grown phenomenally in the last year and if registration for beginner camps are indication, it will continue to grow and each of you deserve a great deal of credit.  You can share that credit with our wonderful horses.

Yesterday, our horses were at their best!  Spirited when called for, and energetic but mostly just being great team members for the riders on their backs.  Teaching them patience, focus and determination.  Those lessons will make us proud of the riders from our barn for years to come and in areas far from our barn.

So..... results.  I cannot possibly hit everything so I am going to try to hit highlights.  If I miss something or someone, feel free to post a comment!  I am ONLY going to use first names as I don't think the riders are going to want their pseudonyms (which I have forgotten most of any way except Annie and Junie :)).

Beginner Walk Trot!  (I missed the trail and pattern as well as Champion here ... )*
     *This was a huge class.... 9 riders!  Most of them their first show!
Ella:   2nd in Equitation; 3rd in Command (3rd in Costume)
Emma:  3rd in Equitation and Pleasure
Julia:  1st in Pleasure, 4th in Command

Advanced Walk Trot!  (Again, a large class ... 9 or 10!)
Libby:  CHAMPION!!!!!
Anthony:  RESERVE CHAMPION!!!!! 
Lauren:   1st in Pleasure and Command (3rd in Costume)
Elyse:  Second in Equitation and Pleasure

Beginner Walk/Trot/Canter!
Emily:  2nd in Equitation, Command, and Trail and Pleasure
Holly:  1st in Equitation, 3rd in Pattern and 1st in Costume (the toughest competition of the day!)
Elizabath:  3rd in Pleasure, 1st in 6 inch jumps, and 2nd in Costume

Jr Walk/Trot/Canter
Gracie:  3rd in Equitation, 1st in Pleasure, 2nd in 12 inch jumps
Samantha:  2nd in Command, 2nd in Pleasure (softball instead of jumping :))

Sr Walk/Trot/Canter
Audria:  tied for RESERVE CHAMPION!!!! (with you know who) 1st in Equitation
Julia:  YUP ... RESERVE CHAMPION !!!! 2nd in Equitation, 2nd in Command 1st in 18 inch jumps

Krissy had the day off, but there were lots of peope taking pictures.  They only one I have right now, fittingly, is from preparations at the traier for costume class.  I can't say who or where they placed, but if you are a RACH (Rider at Cobble Hill) you know.  :)

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