
Friday, April 30, 2010

Back in the (blogging) saddle

Really looking forward to the show this weekend and the excuse to be out in the barn tomorrow for most of the day.  With this beautiful weather I am anxious to see if I can find time to ride!  I think all our adult riders have been around today while I have been stuck in the house on work conference calls.  No fair!

Luckily, Mane & Tale was buy one, get one free at Rite Aid in Williamstown so I stocked up.  We have a full slate of lessons and riders on Saturday so if you are planning to ride Saturday, please make sure you have figured out horse availability with Karrie or Jeannie. 

We have had an increasing number of visitors looking to enjoy the area by taking a riding lesson.  I continue to get wonderful feedback regarding how friendly and nice everyone is in the barn so THANK YOU to everyone who makes our guests and new riders feel welcome.

I will be posting the time on the board, but if you are thinking WAY in advance ... next Saturday we have a birthday party scheduled and will be using the facilities in the afternoon.  Let me know if you are dying to help with pony rides!  :)

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