
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sunscreen and Fly Spray

Looks like the weather is going to be gorgeous this weekend.  One thing we discovered this past weekend was that the minute the sun came out everyone started to get sunburned and the flys converged on the horses and riders.

We will bring plenty of fly spray for the horses Sunday and will remind riders to apply it in the morning when they are grooming horses.

We have SEVENTEEN riders participating Sunday.  Wow.  That is just so exciting.  In order to avoid as much chaos as possible, I am going to assign TEAMS with team leaders.  For the most part, teams are organized around a shared horse.  But some of the older riders are the only ones riding their horses so they will join a team.  I tried to put at least two experienced riders who have done this show before together with first time or younger riders.  There is a COLOR CODED list in the barn.  It shows all riders, horse assignments and classes (except fun classes).  I will also be printing up separate sheets for each 'team'.  Older riders will be asked to insure that the horses are tacked up, girths tightened, etc... and that all riders are in the waiting area when called for their class.  It would also be great if more experienced riders could help the new riders to memorize the patterns for the necessary classes. 

It should be a great day.  Here are a few more pictures from last week.

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