
Friday, April 9, 2010


With my new job, I've really let the blog on the farm go .... and then I somehow got locked out of my account.  But, I'm back.  Not exactly on the farm today, but thinking about it. 

Jeannie Queen is doing an adult riding clinic tomorrow ... should be a nice day for them.  Chuck and I will be getting up early to do the chores.  I will be glad to be cleaning stalls and bringing horses in and out after a week of getting up early to catch planes!

We've had lots of horses moving around.  Fritz got to go home this summer which is wonderful for his family.  Before long, 'his' stall was filled by "Mac" (Macbeth) a wonderful new boarder -- a Morgan.  His owner explained to me the distinctive long mane and tail of the breed which I had not known.  He is almost too pretty to be a 'he'!  Patrick is visiting for a while -- keeping Patty company in the barn some nights and hanging in the front paddock on these warm weather evenings.

Bear has gone back to Karrie's and took some friends with him.  Blue is going to stay and be worked into the lesson program a bit to see how she does.  Elizabeth reported a great ride on her this week.  We are also working Vixen (soaking her feet below ... all older mothers going back to an exercise routine can relate :)) into the riding program. 

Chuck and I are engaged in a robust debate:  To breed (again) or not to breed?  I will admit, I loved the foal and still get huge pleasure from watching Patty grow.  I'd like to do it again.  Chuck isn't convinced.  What do you think????

We also have new riders coming into our lessons and many returning riders now that the weather has improved.  I hope to join their ranks soon!

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