
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Gymkhanna tomorrow!

Tomorrow is the annual Gymkhanna event at Oak Hollow farm sponsored by Equus.  With the spring horse show next week, we only have 5 riders and four horses entered tomorrow.  Lizzie will be entering with Zeus -- his first show as a Cobble Hill horse.  She practiced the barrels, poles and flag events today and Zeus is doing great for a young horse.  His overall demeanor is pretty chill, so we are hoping all goes well tomorrow.  Also, it will be the first official event for Jacki's kids so we are hoping the rain holds off and a fun day is had by all.

The 3 day riding program this week was a smashing success.  Besides the smiles on the riders who jumped or cantered for the first time, the next best outcome was how great (and groomed!) our horses look.  Dixie looks about 10 years younger and quite svelte with the loss of all her winter coat and the nice trimming.  I am told that Jay was groomed for almost 2 hours straight ... not sure if that is totally true but he is looking shiny!

The only odd-man out is Buck.  I am in deep doo-doo around here for chopping his tail a wee bit too short.  I had an inspired idea of making braiding 'boards' so that the younger riders could practice their mane and tale braiding on a piece of board before working on a real horse.  Buck happened to be in the runway last weekend when I appeared with scissors and the rest is, as they say, history.  I am sure Krissy will capture a picture of it for posting soon.  I still think it was a great idea even if the execution was a bit flawed.

Pics and results tomorrow!

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