
Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Even with this really brutally hot weather our dedicated jumping students are having a great week.  Today, Karrie had them on the track for the first time and they did the entire course!  Way to go!!!  Krissy took some pictures of Karrie jumping last week -- here is one.  I am going to get in trouble because Karrie wants to pick the right ones and of course I don't know the difference between great and awful jumping form .... they all look pretty impressive to me!

Patty let the kids give her a bath today and she actually cooperated for most of the time.  And she looks really pretty.  Here is a picture from before the much needed bath.  She is still a beautiful pony!

Chuck tells me that Jay has become very protective of Patty when she is in the larger pasture with the small herd.  It is really very interesting to see the social dynamics among the horses.

We had an almost-five year-old visitor take a few lessons this week.  All the way from South Carolina!  Her grandma found our website on line.  The riding lessons while in town were her reward for patiently watching her older brother skate at hockey camp in the Boston area last week.  When I get feedback that people actually find the website and blog of value, it keeps me motivated to keep posting.  That and the fact that my home office is air conditioned.  Stay cool everyone!!!

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