
Monday, July 5, 2010

A rare (but very, very hot) day in the barn

With today's official holiday and no RFPs due this week, I got to spend the day helping out in the barn.  While I am loving my new job, it is really hard to miss all the great summer activities so I soaked up as much as possible.

Watching new riders learn to control their horse and to master all the different aspects of horsemanship is a treat.  Today, Jack (again, pseudonyms) confided that he really likes grooming the horses more than riding.  He picked Jay and Dixie's feet, put fly spray all over Jay and helped to bathe Blue!  When I mentioned his comment to Linda, she made a really good observation -- at his riding ability there is a lot more he can do working with the horses grooming versus riding.  I hadn't thought of it that way, but it makes perfect sense. 

Jack also shared my enthusiasm for the project I dreamed up earlier this year while helping Chuck with some clean up around the barn.  Very soon, our barn will have its very own mascot.  We have named him (her?) COBBLE.  He/She will have a jingle necklace just like the ones we are making for all the school horses for forays into the woods.  They are designed to alert wildlife to a horse and riders approach but they have been a very fun barn activity, too.

During the water balloon 'fight' today, I think Chuck moved faster than he has in a while.  So funny how kids love to pelt adults in battle, but the biggest kid got more than his fair share of direct strikes!

Two of our riders in the program this week are beginning jumpers and seeing the smiles on their faces after they clear the cross rails is another special joy to being in the barn.  Using the viewing room as our primary gathering place really does allow you to stay connected to the riding all day long.

However, for the first time in two years we also used the A/C in the tack rooms and office.  Brutally hot is an understatement.  However, with the A/C running (yes, I am more than a little embarrassed to admit that we have air conditioning in a New England horse barn) the riders really went at the tack cleaning this afternoon even though it was oppressively hot outside.  And Chuck is adamant that the heating/cooling unit was no more expensive than a straight heating unit would have been.  Today, I pretended to believe him.
So funny that riders who would otherwise complain violently about cleaning, happily muck stalls!!!

I have no idea what we would do without Jacki.  And we now have a larger "J" team with Jenna's help in the mornings.  Chuck and I (okay, mostly Chuck) finished painting the viewing room floor late on Sunday night and as he was scrambling to get everything put back together early on Monday, who shows up and pitches in with a smile?  This is our craft closet.  It will never again look this neat.  :)

It was really cool for the new riders to watch Karrie jump Hunter (wow!) and this week all our aspiring-Karrie's will be attempting to replicate her form.  And keep an eye out for that smart looking Cal Poly Pomona jump.  :)

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