
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

April Vacation Programming

In addition to our evening session on Friday, April 15th to introduce riders to the Pony Club, we are also going to have programs during April break.

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (18th, 19th, and 20th) from 1 pm - 3 pm:  Group lesson and horse care.  $40 per rider per day.  Riders may sign up for any or all of the sessions! 

Tuesday (19th) from 10 am - noon:  Pony Club programming.  You will learn more about this at the introductory meeting, but Pony Club members work toward badges and we will have two days this spring where we will work on achieving these badges/levels.  This is non-riding but horse-focused activity.  The fee for this is included in the introductory Pony Club package.  Any rider who wishes to do the Pony Club programming PLUS the Tuesday vacation session should bring a lunch and may stay from 10 am - 3 pm that day for the $40 fee.

Hopefully, we will not only be done with winter, but done with mud season, too by then!

Sign up sheets posted (or will be soon by Karrie) soon!!!

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