
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pony Club Meetings

As many of you know, Cobble Hill Farm has gone through the process of getting certified as a Pony Club Riding Center.  Riders at our barn under the age of 25 and riders from any other facility are welcome to join our Pony Club program.  What does that mean?

Come find out!!!

Karrie and several adult volunteers (themselves alumni/ae of the Pony Club) will be hosting a parent and rider information session at the Farm (in the house!) on APRIL 15th at 6 pm.  All the information on levels, badges, programming and fees will be presented there. 

Our first official PONY CLUB MEETING (there are mounted and unmounted meetings -- this will be unmounted) will be on TUESDAY April 19th from 10 am - noon (this is school vacation week for WES and a day off for Pine Cobble).  The second meeting (also unmounted) will be SUNDAY May 22nd from 2 - 4 pm

Also, to find out more about Pony Club, please visit their terrific website:

If reading the site, just know that because we are a riding center, you DO NOT have to own your own horse to be a Pony Club member!

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