
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sign Up to help at WES Camp Fair in Barn!

On March 26th Williamstown Elementary School will hold their annual camp fair (and pancake breakfast).  The Hunt clan will be enjoying spring break in Florida, it is Karrie's birthday and Jacki has class.  Necessity is the mother of invention! 

We would LOVE to have some older riders and/or parents man our table at the event.  If you have never been, this is quite a fun and festive few hours and the crucial event where children and parents make summer plans.  Our summer riding program benefited enormously from our participation last year.

I have ordered great brochures and we can work on bringing some other stuff that will make our table interactive (I think last year we brought a saddle on a saw horse so that kids could "ride" ... we can and probably also should do some small craft.

Most importantly, other parents and kids will want to know what is good/fun/interesting at Cobble Hill Farm in the summer and who better to deliver that message than our riders and their parents.

I will put a sign up sheet in the barn today if you are able and or willing to help.  Then I will work with our representatives to figure out logistics and supplies.  Thanks!

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