
Monday, July 27, 2009

If you are afraid of the dentist, don't read or look at this post!

One of the things we are trying to do with our young riders is to give them a full picture of what "Life on a Farm" is all about. As I've said previously, we are really lucky to have great professionals working with us and each of them has responded enthusiastically to letting our riders learn about their work.

Our veterinerian, Dr. Greg Dowd, was here last week doing a regularly scheduled teeth cleaning and work on some of the horses. Aren't these pictures WILD? Can you imagine if your dentist came at you with that drill???? However, vets practice sedation dentistry so that is a help.

You can see that our youngest riders were really fascinated with the process! Thanks to Dr. Dowd, Chuck and Jackie for giving them a really informative day.

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