
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Welcome Norman and Junior .... and other assorted animals!

Two new boarders arrived this week. Norman arrived today (with an unwelcome flat tire on the horse trailer ...) and looks an awful lot like Blaze! He is a beauty and we are excited to have Jinny and her mom join our barn riding program. Junior is a paint -- and we do love paints. Another white nosed horse to keep out of the harsh day light sun (of course, we haven't had to worry about that too much this summer so far!) ... we may have a nocturnal paddock for Vixen, Patty, Dixie and Junior -- what a lucky guy!

Full house for the Tuesday riding program this morning. Half the group got to go check on the pigs and cattle next door (we are farm-sitting this week -- the picture is the beef cows we count each day to make sure everyone is accounted for!). My one (and only) trip to see the pigs convinced me that we don't need pigs AND solved the mystery of why we have had such limited insects so far this wet summer -- they are all up with the pigs! Jackie came up with another great horse-themed craft.

Lastly, in our theme of visiting and new animal arrivals, it was so fun to have the new puppy, Boomerang, visit. An adorable brown labradoodle. It is well known that I am really partial to our Boston Terrier, Buddy, but boy that labradoodle was charming!

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