
Monday, July 6, 2009

Not just horses

In addition to the wonderful horses -- our school horses and our boarders -- we also have our Boston Terrier, Buddy, who keeps everyone in the barn amused. His most favorite activity is to chase after the bailing twine that has been discarded from the hay bales! Although barking at and chasing away the birds would probably qualify as a close second as a favorite past time. Then, last week while I was in San Diego, the girls convinced Chuck to get a kitten!!!! Sammee is named after their cousin Sam (although spelled in a very 8 year old kind of way) and is living in the 'quiet' tack room. The theory is he will rid the barn of mice ..... at the moment though he is simply another toy. A cute one though. And here is a NEW picture of Sammee and a great one of Buddy (the most photogenic guy in our family!) -- both done by Krissy.

Emma and Maradith were going to do a video today for me to post with some text tomorrow so we shall see!

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