
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Lots of riders

While I've been working in California, lots of riders have been enjoying Cobble Hill! We've had a really nice mix of our mainstays and a healthy batch of new riders. On top of that, we are starting to attract folks who are visiting the area. Today, the full-time leasers were able to hold the 'show' that they'd been planning. I wish I'd been there to see it. It is really nice to have some of the older girls helping to manage independent activities with the other riders. And we are finally getting interest from some boys to come and ride! Poor Chuck has been feeling like it is his fate to forever be surrounded by girls, girls and more girls.

Can't wait to be home -- I'll be doing a campfire snack with many of the riders tomorrow -- I am thinking banana boats. The Brownie troop loved that!

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