
Friday, April 30, 2010

Back in the (blogging) saddle

Really looking forward to the show this weekend and the excuse to be out in the barn tomorrow for most of the day.  With this beautiful weather I am anxious to see if I can find time to ride!  I think all our adult riders have been around today while I have been stuck in the house on work conference calls.  No fair!

Luckily, Mane & Tale was buy one, get one free at Rite Aid in Williamstown so I stocked up.  We have a full slate of lessons and riders on Saturday so if you are planning to ride Saturday, please make sure you have figured out horse availability with Karrie or Jeannie. 

We have had an increasing number of visitors looking to enjoy the area by taking a riding lesson.  I continue to get wonderful feedback regarding how friendly and nice everyone is in the barn so THANK YOU to everyone who makes our guests and new riders feel welcome.

I will be posting the time on the board, but if you are thinking WAY in advance ... next Saturday we have a birthday party scheduled and will be using the facilities in the afternoon.  Let me know if you are dying to help with pony rides!  :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sunscreen and Fly Spray

Looks like the weather is going to be gorgeous this weekend.  One thing we discovered this past weekend was that the minute the sun came out everyone started to get sunburned and the flys converged on the horses and riders.

We will bring plenty of fly spray for the horses Sunday and will remind riders to apply it in the morning when they are grooming horses.

We have SEVENTEEN riders participating Sunday.  Wow.  That is just so exciting.  In order to avoid as much chaos as possible, I am going to assign TEAMS with team leaders.  For the most part, teams are organized around a shared horse.  But some of the older riders are the only ones riding their horses so they will join a team.  I tried to put at least two experienced riders who have done this show before together with first time or younger riders.  There is a COLOR CODED list in the barn.  It shows all riders, horse assignments and classes (except fun classes).  I will also be printing up separate sheets for each 'team'.  Older riders will be asked to insure that the horses are tacked up, girths tightened, etc... and that all riders are in the waiting area when called for their class.  It would also be great if more experienced riders could help the new riders to memorize the patterns for the necessary classes. 

It should be a great day.  Here are a few more pictures from last week.

Monday, April 26, 2010

and more pics

pics from the fabulous Krissy

Chuck has been holding out on me ... Krissy has been sending pictures.  I can only do 3 per post so several posts with some great Gymkhana photos!

One down, one to go!

Our riders -- young and old(er) -- all had a great time at the Gymkhana event.  We are looking forward to this Sunday and the Spring Show.  Linda is finalizing horse assignments and it looks like we will have a big group of riders. If you want to ride and haven't let Linda know, please do before Wednesday. 

Zeus was fabulous for his first show.  Really did stay chill.  Buck gets rarin' to go at the site of the barrels but had an experienced rider (see pic ... ) who was able to control him and it sure looked like fun.  Made me realize I have to do quite a few more lessons though before I can ride Buck in an event!!  Reno was the most out of character -- seemed very distracted by all the activity.  His rider, although a beginner in his first event, did a tremendous job of staying focused and brought home quite a few ribbons.  And, Hercules was his dependable and wonderful self.  Really did a great job.

Thanks to all the parents, riders (those who rode and those who helped and cheered us on!) and fans -- and thanks to everyone who prayed for the rain to stay away.  Unlike most of the area, we never had a drop.  Now we have to start hoping for good weather and good humor for Sunday.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Gymkhanna tomorrow!

Tomorrow is the annual Gymkhanna event at Oak Hollow farm sponsored by Equus.  With the spring horse show next week, we only have 5 riders and four horses entered tomorrow.  Lizzie will be entering with Zeus -- his first show as a Cobble Hill horse.  She practiced the barrels, poles and flag events today and Zeus is doing great for a young horse.  His overall demeanor is pretty chill, so we are hoping all goes well tomorrow.  Also, it will be the first official event for Jacki's kids so we are hoping the rain holds off and a fun day is had by all.

The 3 day riding program this week was a smashing success.  Besides the smiles on the riders who jumped or cantered for the first time, the next best outcome was how great (and groomed!) our horses look.  Dixie looks about 10 years younger and quite svelte with the loss of all her winter coat and the nice trimming.  I am told that Jay was groomed for almost 2 hours straight ... not sure if that is totally true but he is looking shiny!

The only odd-man out is Buck.  I am in deep doo-doo around here for chopping his tail a wee bit too short.  I had an inspired idea of making braiding 'boards' so that the younger riders could practice their mane and tale braiding on a piece of board before working on a real horse.  Buck happened to be in the runway last weekend when I appeared with scissors and the rest is, as they say, history.  I am sure Krissy will capture a picture of it for posting soon.  I still think it was a great idea even if the execution was a bit flawed.

Pics and results tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Feeling her oats

Like my new 'blogger' picture?  I moved the blog last week like Google told me to, and it messed things up a little.  I think John A has us back on the straight and narrow.

Patty has been frisky lately with the spring weather.  The few times I walked her in and out of the paddock she has been a lot more animated.  Then she was a total foal on Sunday when Mary (the barefoot trimmer) was working on her feet.  She finally had all four feet trimmed, but not before she kicked Mary! 

Chuck has been speaking to the feed representative and Dr. Dowd to get to the bottom of Reno's current ailments.  He had a spasmodic colic the other day and has been very girthy.  We are really hoping that it is something simply like a reaction to the worming medicine.  Reno has been a terrific addition to our school horses.

Next week is our April Vacation programming where we are going to do some show practice.  There are 11 riders scheduled to participate and hopefully we will have nice weather and a great week.  I am hoping to actually be around a few of the days.  It should be a really fun week.

Friday, April 9, 2010

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With my new job, I've really let the blog on the farm go .... and then I somehow got locked out of my account.  But, I'm back.  Not exactly on the farm today, but thinking about it. 

Jeannie Queen is doing an adult riding clinic tomorrow ... should be a nice day for them.  Chuck and I will be getting up early to do the chores.  I will be glad to be cleaning stalls and bringing horses in and out after a week of getting up early to catch planes!

We've had lots of horses moving around.  Fritz got to go home this summer which is wonderful for his family.  Before long, 'his' stall was filled by "Mac" (Macbeth) a wonderful new boarder -- a Morgan.  His owner explained to me the distinctive long mane and tail of the breed which I had not known.  He is almost too pretty to be a 'he'!  Patrick is visiting for a while -- keeping Patty company in the barn some nights and hanging in the front paddock on these warm weather evenings.

Bear has gone back to Karrie's and took some friends with him.  Blue is going to stay and be worked into the lesson program a bit to see how she does.  Elizabeth reported a great ride on her this week.  We are also working Vixen (soaking her feet below ... all older mothers going back to an exercise routine can relate :)) into the riding program. 

Chuck and I are engaged in a robust debate:  To breed (again) or not to breed?  I will admit, I loved the foal and still get huge pleasure from watching Patty grow.  I'd like to do it again.  Chuck isn't convinced.  What do you think????

We also have new riders coming into our lessons and many returning riders now that the weather has improved.  I hope to join their ranks soon!